The Negative Effects of Technology on the Workplace

Technological development brings about the change of life styles. Computers are one of the most important factors of this development. This has affected many areas, especially in the workplace. Introduction of computer has led modern industry to progress. Factories can produce more much and rapid an amount of products. However, it also brings negative effects. This essay will demonstrate the possible negative effects of technology on the workplace, focusing on the demand on higher skills and the chance of advancement.

Technological development demands higher skilled workers. The modern industry requires faster and perfectly accurate results. This requirement means that employers need to use computers. In the past, for example, there were many workers controlling machines on the production lines, so they had occasionally made miscalculations. This was because most machines were only controlled by worker's hands. Today, computers do this job instead of workers. This situation gives the improvement of productive capacity and quality. As a result, many workers have to learn higher skills, such as using computer, to control machines, because it becomes very important to remain competitive in their enduring jobs (U.S. Department of Labor, 2004).

Technological development also negatively influences the advancement chances of workers. Most workers want to have a good position and obtain a higher salary. One of the best ways to have a good salary in the past was to gain various kinds of experience and knowledge. According to Roberts (2004), before technology is expanding in the workplace, a worker who started in low-level job had a fair opportunity to change position to a higher level, but they don't have the opportunities now. The experience and knowledge are not valuable anymore because workers having high-skills which are required by employers can start out on the high level jobs. In consequence, employees not having high-skills do not have the chances of advancement even though they have worked for a long time (Roberts, 2004).

In conclusion, technological development in modern industry requires workers to have higher skills. It could also influence the promotion chances of workers. Although modern life needs technological development, it has made social problems such as loss of employment.

U.S. Department of Labor, 2004 Implication of Workplace Change Available online at

Roberts E. Technology in the Workplace : Computers, Ethics, and Social Responsibility. Stanford University, 2004. Available online at

Links to Violent Behaviour Raise Concerns

In the section “Links to Violent Behaviour Raise Concerns” (Subrahmanyam et al, 2000),* the authors describe various effects of playing violent computer games on children’s behaviour.

According to the authors, the most favourite children’s computer games contain competition and aggression, and the amount of these properties has gone up with new games. However, parents do not forbid playing the violent games, because they are not fully informed about the names of the favourite violent games.

The authors point out that numerous studies have shown that children watching violent television programs and films become aggressive and hostile. In this way, they will probably behave aggressively and hostilely when they play violent computer games. Also, the authors highlight the fact that although children may only play violent games for a short time, they are affected aggressively, and they may exhibit anti-social behaviour. The time which is spent playing violent games is not as important as a preference for playing violent games. Moreover, they will feel less caring about others if they are exposed to continuous violence and aggression. The authors conclude by emphasising that children who prefer playing violent games will display more aggressive behaviour than children who do not prefer violent games.

* Subrahmanyam, K., Kraut, R.E., Greenfield, P.M., and Gross, E.F.

The Impact of Home Computer Use on Children’s Activities and Development : Children and Computer Technology, 2000.
Available online at

Bronte Beach

Bronte Beach, New South Wales, Australia